TY 601

This tyre gives its users the advantage of having a broken line unique and decorative pattern design, with a strong drive performance and yaw grinding performance. In addition, the optimization of joint surface design enables to wear more evenly and prolong tyre usage life. It has special features such as having designed for all wheels of the long-distance transport vehicles on good or bad mixed road.

Toyoma -TBR Radial Tyres

Tyre Size Ply PATTEN TT/TL
700 R16 14PR TY-601 TT
750 R 16 14PR TY-601 TT
825 R 16 16PR TY-601 TT
900 R 20 16PR TY-601 TT
1000 R 20 18PR TY-601 TT



The tube tyres range by ‘Toyoma” promises excellent wear resistance and tear resistance, 3+ rigid belt layer design and special carcass construction with excellent high-load performance. In addition, it strengthens tyre tread and the bead structure design, with excellent tyre resistance against blasting and bead endurance performance.


The tubeless tyres have a new low fever tread rubber formula, with longer wear mileage. In addition, it consists of four or 3+ rigid belt layer designs and the good controlling stability and excellent comfort. They have special tyre shoulder and bead design, with strong heat resistance while optimizing tyre ground pressure distribution prolongs tyre life.